1. Are women rights respected in your country?

2. How has the role of women changed in your society? (Range 1-5 from "very little" to "a lot")

3. What is the main role of women in our societies?
- Housewife (Mentioned multiple times)
- Family – Be a mother, wife, raise up kids, do chores (Mentioned more than 10 times)
- Besides being the creators of the society and the symbol of fertility, they have the purpose of helping the society evolve
- Turkish women must always work harder than men to be successful.
- the society’s idea of women is mostly to stay in the kitchen, do house chores and rarely watch for the children, they are not aknowledged for their intelligence.
- I believe that this answer depends on the cultural stereotypes, religions, etc.
- The main role in our societies is to show that we all are equal and to demonstrate we can do hard work like men and sometimes without us some things can’t be possible and a woman don’t need to be discriminated and judged differently just because she is a woman . We definitely can do what men do.
- Most of the Romanians women are households
- The role of women in our society is the same as that of man
- A woman does have a specific role in society… Any woman is free to choose her own path.
- In most cases, the role of the woman in our society is to work and look after the family, but in the last years the womans became householders. But in other cases, she could also become a successful woman
- It depends on religion and cultural stereotypes.
- Women have many roles, really important role is giving lifes and giving to others love and peace.
- In the most cases,the role of the woman in our society is to work and look after the family,but in the last years the woman became householders. But in other cases, she could also become a successful woman.
- In our societies many women are professionally active and, what’s probably the most important role for them, they are mothers who care of their children and rise them
- I believe there is no such thing as a defined role anybody has in the society based on their gender. Hence it is up to each individual what they want to do in their lives, who they want to become and who they want to be as these choices belong to them.
- In many countries the woman is seen only as a housewife; to cook and take care of children. There are also countries where women occupy leading positions.
- The main responsibility of a woman is to preserve the human race. As a mother, her position is unique. She brings up the children with extreme care. Women had been great saints, scholars, poets, writers, reformers and administrators. In modern age, women are going very well in all the fields of progress. They are demonstrating their talents in best. They are serving as teachers, doctors, Engineers, Administrators and even head of the states.
4. When and where did the first woman ever earn an university degree?

5. Which of these NGOs is specifically dedicated to protect the human rights of women and girls?

6. Which European country was the 1st to give women the right to vote?

7. Who was the 1st woman Nobel Prize winner in the world?

8. The difference between women and men of about 16.3% concerns

9. Who was the first female Prime Minister and in which country?

10. Who was the 1st woman in space?

11. What did Mary Anderson invent?

12. Name at least 3 well-known (world-wide) women from your country. Most common answers:
- Romania – Nadia Comăneci, Simona Halep, Ana Aslan, Inna
- Poland – Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Olga Tokarczuk, Wisława Szymborska
- Turkey – Sabiha Gökçen, Türkan Akyol, Adile Naşit
- Italy – Grazia Deledda, Rita Levi Montalcini, Maria Montessori,
- Czech republic – Milada Horáková, Ester Ledecká, Božena Němcová
13. Malala Yousafzai is the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, but how did she first become famous?

14. The most important English women's activist before World War I, one of the founders of the suffragette movement?

15. How many female Nobel Prize winners (in all categories) have been awarded since 1901?

16. When were women given the right to vote in Poland?

17. When were women given the right to vote in Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)?

18. When were women given the right to vote in Turkey?

19. When were women given the right to vote in Italy?

20. When were women given the right to vote in Romania?

21. Why have you decided to join the Women Power Erasmus + project?
- Women need to have their power.
- I want to show we all are equal but I want to learn more about this world of women’s rights and stop this racism especially the violence because in my country women are always abused by their partners and they are scared to do something and I want to demonstrate we are not just objects and we all must to be United to change something.
- I want to learn more about women rights and I want to see other people conceptions about this subject.
- I want to participate in changing the view of society upon the women and make the realise we are so much more than another gender men can dominate.
- I believe in women’s rights and they were never respected enough and nor nowadays.I believe that every chance to speak up about this kind of subject is necessary in every country for everybody to know that women became stronger and stronger and they are equal to men no matter what.
- To have a voice.
- Because, as a woman, I am ready to fight for my rights and demonstrate my importance in this society.
- To know the history of women in other countries.
- I believe we change prejudice for women
- I want to know more about powerful women from my country and all over the world. I also want to become familiar with problems that are facing women all aroung the world every day. In future, I want to be a strong, powerful women myself, and one day, I would like to change the world.
- Becouse i belive that we can change situation with woman by use education and I agree with feminsm.
- I am very interested in women rights and their role in the society. I think that women did a great job fighting for their rights and we should do our best to make the situation of women in the world even better.
- At first I really want to get to know more incredible women. Their stories, what they did and why? But also how they were able to change important things to them and how they found so much courage in themselves. I also have hope that because of participating in this project I will become more confident. I think that here I can find many people who have similar views on some issues and while working together I will get to know new friends.
- Because it allows me to gain some knowledge about other countries, make new friends and talk about important matters with people my age.
- I want to improve my language skills
- Because i want to learn more about women and feminism. I’m interested in this, i enjoy meeting new people and i love english.
- I wanted to try something new, it’s a big opportunity to expand my knowledge. I know about the situation of women’s rights, we sould be treated equally.
- Because I wanted to take on a new challenge
- I want to learn more information about this topic, especially because I’m woman too and I don’t know much about it.
- I want to meet new people, have a look around the world and find out more about women equality.
- I might not know a lot about the history of feminism, but I do want to learn more and make a change, and maybe make friends and meet new people and cultures on the way. I personally have some great female role models in my life that taught me a lot of things, and I feel like it is important to celebrate the message of equality.
- I have always been passionate about the subject of women rights or just human rights in general. I want to help boost the voices of those who cannot make themselves heard and what better opportunity to learn how to do that than this?
- Because I feel that if we want a change we have to start the change
- I want to play a role, be it small, in fighting for women’s rights.
- To find more about women’s rights and try to make a change for the better.
- I decided to join the project for self-improvement and to learn more about women’s power.
- A burning passion for equality.
- First of all erasmsus+ is a perfect experience for everyone for sure, but other than this, this project’s topic caught my attention and i really wanted to participate in because recently ‘women power’ has become a really important topic and as a woman i have so many things to speak of, to present, to argue, to learn and more. so this is a huge opportunity for me.
- Because I want to help this world become a better place.
- Because I want to represent my country abroad in the best way, meet new people around the world and travel.
- I am interested in the subject that is presented. I was always keen on everything that was related to the women rights, the women inequality and anything that has to do with women. I can say that I am quite educated on this subject and I want to share the information that i know with others. I want to learn more and receive a lot more information and listen to others opinions as well.
- The topic raised by the project is important, because everyone sholuld be aware of the role women play in society.
- Want to know more about this topic, because its important to fight for women rights.
- I want to promote equality for women in today’s world.
- Because I am interested in this topic.
- To learn new things. And I met with other students.
- I would like to hear other people’s opinions and discuss with them.
- A while ago I realized for most of my lifetime I’ve been looking up to men and considering them as better just because of their gender. It mostly was due to the perspective my mother has had and been frequently bringing up in all sort of conversations. I feel like because of that I used to consider women to be envious, fake and didn’t see myself being friends with any as well as I was convinced I can’t be a person I want to be because I am a female. I don’t really know when that mindset changed, but I find these thoughts to be extremely wrong and don’t want anybody to have them. Hence I would like to know other women’s perspective on gender aspects. I also noticed that (even before I realized how much I praised and admired men) I’ve always been cutting down all sexist comments my friends would ever have and have been getting angry when hearing them. I think that at certain age I just gained this kind of huge respect and the feeling of solidarity with women. I would like to spread those and make a good use of them and talk to somebody who feels the same way especially when it’s shaped by various cultural aspects.
- I would like to know more information about other countries.
- I decided to join this Erasmus project because I would like to change the role of women in society
- They don´t teach us much about this topic at school, but I think as a woman I should know something about it.
- Because I care about equality.
- Because I would like to confront the other women of other countries to see the differences between our nation and their
- Because i’m curious how women are treated in other countries
- Being in favor of women’s rights movements, I would like to participate in this project to understand and compare the roles of women in various countries, to learn about new languages, new cultures, new people and their way of doing.
- And more…